World's only drawable annotation desktop with full web support!

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Welcome to the future of file annotations!

docPointer is the easiest way to visualize documents and websites using file and link annotations. File Explorer is just a list of files and "Read Me" files are usually plain text. docPointer changes that totally as docPointer provides you a Windows desktop like experience you can draw on. Everything is connected even if you move them. docPointer has full web support and all docPointer files can be exported to any web browser. docPointer has features from desktop, drawing programs and web browsers combined in a new innovative way. This is the future!

News 2023: docPointer 11 has a new Windows 11 style extremely clean interface and greatly enhanced web support with bug fixes. docPointer 11 will be available Q3 2023 in Microsoft Store. docPointer 11 is already fully featured ready and functional. Release is delayed because of my day job as Senior Software Architect.

Here are some preview pictures of the new docPointer 11 interface
docPointer 11 user interface.
Simple file annotations in docPointer 11
Simple file annotations exported to web browser
Initial home page in docPointer 11
Initial home page exported to web browser (png - links donot work)

You can try previus version 10, but it's recommended that wait for the official docPointer 11 release, please (you can always try if you want - no harm done).

docPointer 10 works in Windows 10 and 11. It’s totally free and ad-free!

Download docPointer 10 (v.10.0.85)

docPointer 10 user interface (picture)

Older docPointer versions are no longer available or supported on any OS (before version docPointer 10 in Windows 10). Please, do not download old or any versions from unofficial web sites (and yes, there are many). docPointer 10 works only on Windows 10 and 11.

Please, watch the video introduction (3m 50s) and tutorials (these are from old version 10 like all the other videos. Much better tutorials will be available once docPointer 11 is released).

How to create links to websites and files (6m 41s)

How to draw diagrams (9m 30s)

How to export SVG for Browsers (4m 18s)

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